EURO 2018

Official website

There will again be a BOR stream with 9 sessions. The deadline is past, see you in Valencia!

NoSession titleSession chair
1Behaviour in models IRudolf Vetschera
Models in which the behaviour of agents is explicitly specified, and derived from an explicit theory of behaviour
2Behavioural impacts on OR-supported processes IGilberto Montibeller
Studies that measure the (potential or demonstrated) impacts of agents' behaviour on OR-supported processes, typically conducted via lab experiments
3Behavioral processes in OR practiceL. Alberto Franco
Studies that describe behavioural processes (and their consequences) as they actually happen in the practice of OR, typically conducted via field studies
4Behavioural impacts in OR-supported processesRaimo P. Hämäläinen
Studies that measure a range of behavioural impacts on agents, within the context of an 'OR-supported process', and typically conducted via lab experiments
5Behaviour in models IIPekka Laitila
Models in which the behaviour of agents is explicitly specified, and derived from an explicit theory of behaviour
6Behavioural studies of ordering, contracting and biddingAysegul Engin
Focus on these particular topics, but which do not fit topic (2) above, typically conducted via lab experiments
7Behavioural impacts on OR-supported processes IIKonstantinos Katsikopoulos
Studies that measure the (potential or demonstrated) impacts of agents' behaviour on OR-supported processes, typically conducted via lab experiments
8Behavioural impacts in OR practiceJudit Lienert
Studies that measure a range of behavioural impacts on agents, within the contexts of OR practice, typically conducted via field studies
9Behavioural OR: general papersEtienne Rouwette
Focus on sketching the BOR domain and developing a community of practice

Please note that the above area topics are not specific to any particular OR approach, and contributions come from academics and/or practitioners working with a variety of OR approaches and methodologies.

If you are an early career academic, post doc or PhD student: please note that prior to the EURO conference there will be a "YOUNG BEHAVIOURAL OR COLLOQUIUM" to be held in in Madrid, 7th July 2018. More details can be found in the BOR and EWG-BOR sites.